Fitness Blog
Using Music to Motivate Yourself to Get It Done
When you want to get the most out of your workout – or any other physical activity – using music...
The Science Behind Binaural Beats for Exercise Intensity
You may have heard that binaural beats can be used to help you lose more weight effectively and...
Feeling Like You’re Choosing Your Music Reduces Pain
Though it may seem like new age mumbo jumbo at first glance, music reduces pain in a number of...
Music for a Workout: Could It Be What’s Missing from Your Routine?
You may be working out regularly and follow the right routine, but there is always the chance you...
Classic Rock Songs to Listen to Before Bed to Get Ready for Sleep
While you’re winding down for bedtime, songs to listen to before bed can help you to shake off the day and get you ready to be restful. While the best tunes to listen to while you’re trying to drift off tend to be those without lyrics, what you hear before you climb under the blankets doesn’t have to be quite as soft and instrumental. In fact, according to a recent study, certain classic rock tunes can be the perfect addition to your playlist.
The Best Music for Cooking Healthy Meals for the Family
Have you created your music for cooking playlist yet? That’s right, you heard – er…read – right. A playlist for your kitchen can make a big difference in providing more enjoyment to the experience of prepping your meals. By doing this, you’ll be less likely to rush through the task or even to want to skip it altogether. Read on to find out about how this can make a substantial difference to your healthy eating.
What is a Sound Bath and Do You Need It?
The very name of a sound bath makes the practice sound somewhat hokey. That said, until you’ve tried it, try not to pass judgment on it just because of its name. You might find that you’re far more impressed with the experience and all it entails than you’d expected to be.